Vision Green Organization

Empowering Sustainable Change

Vision Green Organization is dedicated to addressing environmental and social challenges through sustainable technology and initiatives.
Our Work Areas: Climate Action, Green Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Youth Engagement

Pledge Talpata

The path towards sustainability by vision green organization

  • Ensuring mass awareness, especially among the youths
  • Motivating people to use more eco-friendly products and adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle
  • Emphasizing the adoption of recycled products and promoting upcycled products. Avoiding the use of plastic products
  • Promoting green entrepreneurship to ensure accessibility of eco-friendly products and services

Offer your help to bring sustainable change in the communities and the lives of people

Your assistance can be instrumental to:

  • Make the unheard voices of the youth from disadvantaged and vulnerable parts of the Climate Stories heard through our Eco-Journalism.
  • Disseminate the sustainability stories, stories of the effects of climate change, and stories that reflect the adverse consequence of environmental degradation to make people aware and motivated to contribute to achieving a greener and world
  • Conduct research to highlight the root causes that hinder sustainability, means of achieving sustainability, and systemic analysis of the sustainability journey
  • Advocate the sustainability thoughts and actions to promote this among other youths and adults
  • Promote small local youth-led projects to inspire the youths to adopt actionable measures to achieve sustainability
  • Mitigate the adverse effects on lives due to climate change, environmental pollution, and lack of a sense of sustainability

We are in these countries

Bangladesh flag map
India flag map
Nepal flag map
Pakistan flag map

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